Deep Pyling At Home
Salon Piling
Piling is the removal of a certain thick skin layer. The first pylings were known at the end of the 19th century in Germany. The defensive effects of redisorcination and salicilic acid were then shown. The vast practice of pylingi has come much later and has become popular, especially in the United States. To date, three groups of pilings have been identified.
Surface or soft
Such pylings are produced by dry ice, fruit (alpha-hydroxylated) acid (mild, apple, lemon, glicole), weak trichloroucesic acid solution. The superficial pyling has a general tonic effect, also effective for the removal of springs.
Medium or medium
The whole epidermis layer to the base membrane is destroyed. In these cases, concentrated solutions (20 to 35 per cent) of trichlorouxacetic acid are used. Medium pyling is effective to remove surface wrinkles, hyperpygment.
Deep or deep
It's not just the epidermis, it's the derma. Pylings use phenol formulations. Deep pyling can adjust deep wrinkles, scars, skin drift.
Modern cosmetology has been estimated to offer some 100 different piling formulations and receptors continue to improve. For example, some pilings contain special enzymes (they are derived from the fruits of papaya, kiwi). Ferments destroy non-functional protein, leaving room for growth of new cells. I wonder if there are such enzymes in our skin, but with age, their numbers are declining, so mature leather loses regeneration capacity and needs more piling.
What's going on in the pyling procedure
The fracture of skin layers increases the separation of epidermis cells, which is recovered from young, viable cells. In addition, synthesis of collagine, elasticine and fibronectin is activated. These components ensure the strength, sustenance and elasticity of the leather. In the pyling area, hemorrhage is increased, new capillaries are formed, leather receives more nutrients and oxygen. As a result, leather covers become more stable, woven, alive, radiant.
Piling side effects
However, the pyling may also lead to unpleasant side effects. As a result of the destruction of the skin protective function, there is an inflammation after the procedure, bacterial infections. The skin leaks, the dwarfs appear. Also, after a pylinga for a few days, the skin is irritated, and there is a marked redness. Later complications include violations. ♪ ♪
After pyling procedure
Piling itself is not considered to be painful. Pyling has a skin burning, which remains for a few minutes after the end of the procedure. Usually, cosmetologists use residual air flow and cool compress to reduce unpleasant feelings.
How to behave after the pyling and what cosmetic means to use depends on the depth of the pyling and the condition of your skin. In any case, such recommendations will be made by the cosmetologist who conducted the procedure. Surface pylings are considered to be the safest and easy to conduct, while medium and deep requires the domestic regime to be respected within a few days after the procedure.
General councils include the rejection of the sun. In the case of surface pylings of sunlights, it is sufficient to avoid only in the first days, and after deep pyling, the sun protection is required for several months.
Domestic Piling
Deep purification of leather in domestic settings means the use of happy scrubs and pylings. They are limited to the top layers of cells, but the use of these means is a necessary and inevitable step towards healthy skin. What is the difference between these means? Both names have Latin roots and mean " disposal " , " listening " . In general terms, the effects of scrubs are based on the use of solid abrasion particles: they literally " search " skin cover by removing burnt cells. The pylings for domestic use are usually composed not only of abrasive particles, but also of substances that soften epidermal lipids. Under such conditions, the chain between skin cells is not so strong and only minimal efforts are required to remove them. Although, in fact, the scrubs and the pilings have a similar effect.
For normal and dry leather, we recommend a scrub for the nut and Ussurian chmel, along with a tiny volcanic pemez, polyethylene granules are included in the recipe: they have a smooth surface, so the obsolescence does not affect the skin. The crab is enriched by the butter of the juncture, wheat foes, cadres, extra hmel. These components feed skin, give her life force.
If the skin is problematic or too sensitive, the soft piling should be used for the very sensitive skin of the Bour and Malin. The piling granules of the product are as good as possible, and the butter of the Job is softening epidermal lipids, so the piling is very soft but effective. Piling contains the extraction of the mild, the gel of the tracker seeds and vitamin E...