
A small amount of oil on the skin of the face is attached to the thin layer and it lasts about 20 minutes. Then it's a little warm water. Such a mask fits perfectly for a wrinkle, slut, whispering, dry and very sensitive skin. If the skin of a combined type, the butter shall be attached to the dryest areas (area around the lips and cheeks). |
In the arid and desert regions of Mexico and in the south-east of North America, there is a remarkable liver plant. Its fruits are used to produce targeted oil, which has long been used by Indian tribes living in these places. " Liquid gold " they called the butter of the Job because it was indispensable for treating the inflammation of the eyes and throats, various skin diseases, and it was used as a magnificent cosmetic tool. The modern cosmetological industry praised the butter of the Job and invited women to care for their appearance. So what secrets hide this unique natural product? |
based on 34 votes
Repeat butter for the care and treatment of hair has been used a long time, but still relevant. His curative effects on hair are particularly appreciated. With a long and continuous exposure of at least two times a week during the six months, the painter ' s butter accelerates blood flow in the hood of the hairy head, regenerates the exchange of substances and normalizes the lipid balance. This ensures not only the strengthening of hair, but also the growth of hair. As a preventive and curative tool with a progressive hair depression, the repictive oil produces excellent results. |
The effect of relay oil in skin care is much more visible than the use of expensive cosmetics. This natural means can restore the skin balance and remove the dryness in the fast-growing zones, the elbows, stains, knees. Women value its excellent mitigating, cleaning, resenting and reinforcing properties. |
based on 2 votes