Household Lounge
Beauty and Health
Nature tried to make our body perfect in the first place, but youth is unfortunately not forever. Therefore, the sooner we begin to take care of our body regularly, the longer the naturally gifted beauty will continue, but most women forget it.
In the face, we look carefully, because it's always in sight, and the skin of the bodies gets a little attention, we're gonna take care of it just before the beach season begins.
If you don't take care of the body, the skin of the hand, the legs and the hip begins to vulture, hangs and becomes a rubble, it's difficult to retrieve these parts of the body, so it's best to keep it, and the care must be regular and not a time.
Body skin as well. skinhas its characteristics. On the back and the upper part of the chest, the gland is bigger, the skin is fat, and on the abdomen, thighs and berries it loses the moisture and crosses - normal skin with age is usually dry, and it begins around 35 years. If different medications are often taken, or body weight is often changed, skin ageing is accelerated; skin skin is more severe in winter times of year, and care requires more careful care.
Body care
Several recommendations for caring for body skin♪ You don't have to use a face-to-face cosmetics to follow her: you don't get the necessary effect--- skin on the body, and there's another cell building.
The body cosmetics need to be filled with more fat layers than when caring for the face so that every layer of skin can get nutrients.
For the leather to bleed the cosmetics, the bleed must be quite active, so as no one's tired of hearing about the charge, every morning, it's her. Physical exercises exacerbate the blood flow - food is better absorbed by skin, and it keeps turbulence and freshness longer. Berry, hip and abdomen should be given more attention during the charge and take a shower immediately after the exercise.
1st stage of body care - purification
It's from the shower and the skin purification begins. This is the first step. You don't have to take a hot or too chilly shower, make the water temperature moderate, and if you need to cheer up, the shower may be counterfeit. The body during the shower needs to be raised with a rigid urine, a sleeve or a brush downwards, from the fingers to the legs, by round motions, the dead cells are so stunned and the exchange processes in the skin are activated.
The admission of baths is also a means of purifying the skin of the body, but hot tubs need to be taken only if necessary - for example, colds, bronchitis, etc. For skin, hot baths are harmful: water must be warm, about 37°C, and baths may not exceed 20 minutes.