Recipe Home Cosmetics
On the eve of the World Ocean Day, we propose prescriptions for the most effective natural cosmetics on the basis of the most popular ocean poppy component, the sea salt!
Tonic scrub with body salt
Mix the two table spoons of the sea salt of small prayer and resin coffee (possible to take a coffee pot), add a table spoon of natural oil (universal olive, peaches, almonds, dry skin oil of wheat or avocados, for normal and fat, brown or vineyard. For anti-age effects, it is worth adding 2-3 drops of ether oil of roses, geraniums or langu-ilang for anti-cell effects and for the control of stretches, ether butter of graprut, lemon, mandarin, neroly.
Vanna Afroditis
The bath will require a half-kilogram of sea salt and 100-200 grams of dry algae (Laminaria, etc.) that should be dissolved in warm water. With a sensitive, whispering, irritated or dry skin, it is worth adding a glass already filled in a bath with salt. milk (if the leather is very dry, fat creams) and 2-3 medal spoons. The bathroom time is 12 to 15 minutes.
Anti-cellulite house cream scrab with copper and salt
Mix the thick copper with the sea salt not a very large prayer (calculate the ingredients to get a thick cough), put a mixture of thick layer on the troubled areas and then put the palms on the skin, rip them off, the movements must be the same as the anti-celluling copper massage. When the mixture becomes liquid, make it warm. Do this massage in a day or two days, a visible and persistent effect will emerge after 12 to 15 procedures.